And the hint/scent of autumn is definitely in the air or is that simply this land sighing with deep relief that the heat has passed? After five days away and the pleasure of caring for my 11 month old grandson, I return to my simple but lovely home near the Shawnee National Forest. I'm grateful for the watchful eyes of neighbors who walked their dogs twice a day around the yard who sniff and pee and let the wild things know that I'm only temporarily away. Another friend slipped onto my porch to water the inside plants. I am as always grateful for these connections. Deeply grateful for friends and for the peaceful residence I have been gifted.

A New Moon signifies a time for setting or seeding new intentions and this one is particularly powerful for me in many ways. I have a Mars in Virgo so I should (should?) feel significantly driven to complete, finish up projects, clean the house, reclaim my routines of self-care. Mostly, I just want to read and write and sit on my porch while this weather allows, before the snows will close it down except on certain sunny days. I feel compelled to walk the woods I have neglected all summer due to the heat and the ticks and the chiggers which absolutely love me. But I have promises to keep: to check the turtles in the old lagoon, to mark a few paw paw saplings for a friend to dig in a few months, to see what autumn flowers I want to wrap with paper bags to collect their seeds. As a volunteer with
Project Wingspan, I'll be heading out to places around here in a few weeks to do the same on a larger scale. I am disappointed that no monarch caterpillars have so far laid eggs on the milkweed I have carefully avoided mowing this year. I pray that is not some omen. So many butterflies have visited the zinnias and other flowers by the house yet I have only counted three or four monarchs this year. I force myself not to imagine that next year there may be none. How can we humans allow that to happen?
I say my gratitude for the winged ones who have made it here and send energetic love to those who are struggling in other places to find safety, food, shelter, in order to birth and renew their species. Sounds too much like humans in so many parts of this beloved planet who also suffer from the ignorance of war, prejudice, environmental factors, poverty, or lack of compassion for their plight.
On this New Moon I collect the seeds from all the dying flowers, to dry and put away in the multiples of recycled glass jars I save throughout the year for just such a purpose. These are my 'intentions.' Who knows what will blossom next year but I want to be ready to make my 'offering' to Gaia next year, to throw out the seeds, hopeful for more butterflies and bees. It's not much, my small assembly of glass jars with handwritten labels. But I intend to be part of the cycle of life as best I can for as long as I am able.
~Blessed New Moon, September 14, 2023 - 8:40pm CDT~